Fly away in pieces
2019 photography/Fine Art print on MDF
price € 450
My artwork Fly away in pieces shows a new possibility to look at well known things and hopefully inspires the viewer to do that in their every day lives.
The end of the rainbow
No love lost
2022 photography
price € 5.000 each
Both my 2x artworks deal with the seemingly ordinary objects we see every day, everywhere. But it contains very different manifestations of a completely different meaning & shapes if we look carefully.
Pensamientos Sumergidos
2022 mixed media, 40 x 60
price € 4.800
Traslaciòn del Sonido
2023 mixed media, 30 x 40
price € 4.500
Flow 2023
2023 acrylic resin and gold leaf, 60 x 60
Price € 460
Il Flow o Esperienza Ottimale è “un stato in cui la persona si trova completamente assorta in un’attività per il suo proprio piacere e diletto, durante il quale il tempo vola e le azioni, i pensieri e i movimenti si succedono uno dopo l’altro, senza sosta.
Nel caos del Flow, un poema si dipana,
un’onda di pennellate che danzano sulla tela.
L’esperienza ottimale, un viaggio senza fine,
dove il tempo si perde e l’anima si accende.
The sea
2023 mixed media, 100 x 60
Price € 800
The sea has no beginning or end like the love, like the chaos … of my soul.
DARU è un avvocato siciliano che al momento vive e lavora a Milano e realizza i propri dipinti
durante le ore serali e notturne.
DARU è ispirata esclusivamente dai propri sentimenti ed esprime nelle sue opere tutte le sue
emozioni e ciò che ha visto nei molti posti in cui ha vissuto.
Sulla tela si lascia trasportare dalla potenza dei colori, senza regole e confini.
DARU is a Sicilian lawyer who currently lives and works in Milan and creates her paintings
during the evening and night hours.
DARU is inspired exclusively by her own feelings and expresses in her works, all her emotions
and what she has seen in the many places where she lived.
On the canvas she lets herself be carried away by the power of colors, without rules and
Organizing chaos
Naples, April 2023, poetry
Organizing is not defining, and it’s not deciding. It is more similar to understanding what we can of every element, and find a meaningful way to put the whole picture together. Also, it’s random, so Fish on the Moon
Organizzare il Caos
Parte 1
Qualcosa che riunisca l’insieme
Che conservi ciò che hai vissuto
Dal pozzo senza fine
Delle entità dimenticabili
Elementi da riunire
si scontrano col mio corpo
il sangue vortica fuori
che resti
e organizzi il caos
è un’illusione
nulla si ricollega
Qualunque cosa viva
si rifiuta di restare ferma
è un’illusione
tutto ciò che viene a riformare
è in esso stesso
Parte 2
Ho capito
e mi sono accertato di non dubirtane
Tieni tutto in sieme
Ma rifuggi l’atto
di mietere per dedurre
Cumuli di onde
obbligano il mio sguardo
a mantenersi in movimento
con due dita attraverso i lmare
e aggancio il suo nucleo
Senza annullare
Mentre riavvolgo l’infinita acqua marina
Posso sentire il fascio di storia liquida
che canta la sua storia mai ascoltata
Vorrei porterla recuperare
E mi inabisso
per saccheggiare
e il mare si stringe mentre viene compresso nelle mie mani
un granchio mi morde
uno squalo mi mangia
una nuvola ruba il vapore dal mio sangue bollente
una medusa mi stringe
un cervo assetato beve i miei occhi salati
e un gatto placido usa la mia cassa toracica
per evocare il suo tramonto personale
è davvero un illusione
che si possa vivere
fuori dal caos
La natura del Caos
2023 acrylic on canvas, 90 x 90
price € 1080
Antonio Di Zio nasce a Napoli il 15 ottobre del 1958 e vive a S. Maria a Vico nella provincia di Caserta. Dipinge da sempre, la prima tela l’ha realizzata con colori ad olio a soli 12 anni e da allora ha sempre continuato a disegnare e dipingere nella continua esplorazione di nuove tecniche
pittoriche e alla ricerca di uno suo stile personale.
Farmer with shotgun
2016 mixed media, 60 x 80
price € 10.000
Farmer with Shotgun.
I call this style my Catalan technique, inspired by my experiences in Barcelona: her artists of the past and present. It is my own interpretation of cubism with the use of colors inspired by the Impressionists. I make lots of references to the Catalan artists who inspired me out of respect and homage.
The farmer is shooting some birds to stop them from eating the seeds in the field. Underneath in the grass are machine shapes to show he is working and not just a killer. The tree has a beehive, which holds all the properties of cubism in a natural form. The bees are a reference to Joan Miro. The collage on the farmer references Picasso. The way I painted everything in pieces is in reference to Gaudi and his “”Trencat”” style. The farmer’s face is a reference to Julio Gonzalez.
Sense of freedom
2023 acrylic on canvas, 50 x 61
price € 1.250
Libertad, the song of Al Bano and Romina Power, is what I hear when I look at this painting.
The theme has emerged spontaneously when one friend said the phrase “I would like to run naked on the beach.”
So, when I arrived at home that evening, I decided to do art therapy and these beings appeared on the paper, I would say they were the naked souls running on the beach.
It’s just a feeling of freedom, but in difficult moments, my mind comes back to these beings, and I go with them running, almost flying, without feeling my body.
Ildebranda dei pennini
2020 mixed media, 60 x 30
2019 mixed media, 60 x 30
price € 400 each
Le mie figure ieratiche d’ispirazione preromanica sprofondano-emergono da materiali disordinati e seviziati dai colori, dagli oggetti, dalle colle. Si rinnova così l’antica arte del disegno e l’appagamento dell’impastare.
Al principio era il caos, frase fatta, ma esemplificativa nel disordine che hai di fronte: idee, materiali, colori, colle. Poi la mano si muove, la mente si spalanca e l’artista vola. Con la speranza che poi lo spettatore plani con lui.
2021 mixed media 40 x 30
price € 350
Attraverso questa mia opera, appartenente al ciclo di opere “Ethereal Transition” ho voluto
rappresentare l’atto di accettazione e liberazione del caos interiore, quello causato dalle tensioni
negative che spesso tendiamo a celare. I colori ed i tratti impattanti generano un processo di
“transizione eterea” per poter raggiungere una nuova dimensione di equilibrio e pace interiore.
Through this artwork, belonging to the cycle of works “Ethereal Transition” I wanted to
represent the act of acceptance and liberation of inner chaos, caused by the negative tensions
that we often tend to hide. The striking colors and strokes generate a process of “ethereal
transition” in order to reach a new dimension of balance and inner peace.
Plastic Ocean
2020 oil on canvas, 100 x 100
price € 3000
Art from the past
2023 digital montage
price € 250
I use the technique of digital montage (collage) to create works on the theme of memory. The materials are actual photographs and my drawings. There are many pasts in this artwork. I read in a book a long time ago that art history moves forward while looking backward, and this artwork is an attempt to do that in my own mind. I valued the process of making this. When I was a student preparing for the entrance examination, I created an artwork based on the poem “Morning Song” by Chūya Nakahara, a famous Japanese poet. This time, based on the same poem as back then, I tried to imagine the scene of the poem, while also searching my memory of what kind of work I had created back then. I created this work while feeling many things from the past, including my own past, the past when this poem existed, and the past that exists in my own work.
Secret island
2021 mixed media, 60 x 80
price € 3.800
2021 mixed media, 60 x 80
price € 3.800
The Titles of the paintings, – Secret Island and Jungle, – are meant to offer the viewer a little support, to provide them with a starting point for their imaginative journey.
Many people discover various images or elements in my paintings that I myself had, not consciously intended or foreseen. I simply want to encourage viewers to immerse themselves in my visual world and explorer the images and emotions the may experience.
Col cuore aperto
luglio 2023
Contemplare l’irripetibile bellezza della natura, immergerci tra le sue esplosioni e gli eventi spesso forti, spesso caotici nel loro avvenire immediato, ci aiuta a conoscere meglio il mondo dentro di noi. Il mondo interiore a sua volta respira in sintonia con la natura, che ci ispira per descrivere il nostro inseparabile e comune esistere…
L’uomo, essendo una parte integrante dal grande Caos cosmico, può connettersi con le vibrazioni, i suoni dell’Infinito, percepire in fondo la sua forte influenza sui propri sensi e sentimenti, dove governano le stesse energie potenti, loro che muovono lo scorrere della sua propria vita.
2013 digital photography, direct print on alu-dibond, 3mm 83 x 60
price € 23.350
Building blocks of perception — the impressions, the subjective reality of the situation.
The Netherlands
On Film: Laurie
2023 panel on canvas, 90 x 45
price € 750
In the work “On film: Laurie” a young woman has been captured in a dynamic state,
to focus the attention on her expressive appearance.
2021 oil on canvas, 80 x 70
price € 1.500
Painting is my faithful companion at night: it makes me love to feel awake when everybody sleeps. The same as wolves sing in the night, through the full moon
Ball of joy
2023 acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50
price € 800
Red ball with a face
2023 acrylic on canvas, 40 x 50
price € 500
A work of art is an expression of the artist’s experience and an expression of his sensitivity to various situations in life. Sometimes the work is created under the influence of the beauty of nature and sometimes it is an expression of emotions that the artist is experiencing at a given moment.
My paintings are usually created under the influence of events in my life and are an expression of my emotions that I feel at that time. Each of my paintings has a story, that is, it is part of my life.
Flowers joy
2023 acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50
price € 800
Colors are spread up on the canvas in apparent chaos but if you look carefully you’ll see that this chaos hides the well-organized order of nature: beautiful flowers are indeed all around. Dripping tecnique has been used to enforce the idea of chaos.
Natural chaos
2020 oil on canvas, 80 x 60
price € 950
At the exhibition I will be showing a painting called Natural Chaos. I painted pansies, which I loved, and wanted to capture their delicate shape and colours. I emphasised their natural chaos with sharp colours.
2023 oil on canvas, 50 x 50
price € 2.500
Lying on your bed looking at the ceiling
Waiting for something to happen
And knowing all the time that you were meant
For something better
Feeling it Wanting it
But, uh, how much can you take?
How much can you take?
How much can you take before you snap?
Drawing a square c.p.54a. plus
2023 mixed media
price € 850
A space created only by painting and drawing on a flat surface.
How is it possible to make the theme happen in this autonomous painting space without using reproducible spatial expressions of visual experiences?
It is caused only by ‘conceptual action’, not by the iconography or the image.
The theme is where to find the reality of self-existence and how to get awareness and awakening.
The uncertainty of the existence of the perceived and recognized objects and the certainty of the self-existence which recognizes them.
The act of drawing as a motif causes the self-existence on a canvas, – capturing it in the moment of the present and in the limited area of here.
The reality of self-existence in eternity and infinity.
The awareness and awakening will be obtained in the relationship of substance, idea, and action.
Under control?
2023 acrylic on cardboard, 42 x 30
price € 600
Under control is the title of my work, which was created for this occasion. The composition is divided into two parts. Below is the tense crowd, above is a figure. A bright spot. The controller. A symbol of order.
2023 impresión giclée 60*110 “coto-ge” hahnemühle fine art german etching, 50 x 37,5
price € 1.800
My artwork, Insomnia, evokes how chronic sleeplessness can turn out into a fertile ground for creating ephemeral and magic worlds
Abstracts 23/1
2023 acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60
price € 1.000
My painting shows clearly delineated areas of colour that do not mix. Are they units that insist on their autonomy and do not want to mix – a development that can currently be observed in all societies, but does not bode well for the elimination of global chaos.
Inner balance
2023 oil on canvas, 60 x 60
price € 5.850
The piece “INNER BALANCE” is the attempt to pull the strigs of both, your body and
your soul to make everything work out again, try to honor every oddity, knowing that
everyone’s perfect in their own way. Making art and the act of painting are my way to
connect with my true soul and find balance again and again.
Secret world
2023 mixed media, 40 x 40
price € 950
Organizzare il caos
Pomigliano d’Arco, Agosto 2023, poetry
E mentre tutto e passato ecco che nel presente germoglia un fiore, ancora, germoglia è il profumo di una rosa e staresti lì a sentirne la fragranza che si diffonde anche dopo che i petali, i sepali e il pistillo si sono seccati.
Allo specchio
2018 oil on canvas, 60 x 60
price € 600
Nell’opera “Allo specchio”, la protagonista racconta del suo profondo lavoro di introspezione e di riconoscimento di sé grazie al quale sente di aver trovato il suo spazio e di potersi rivolgere all’esterno.
L’opera rappresenta la consapevolezza del proprio essere che nasce dal riconoscimento e dall’accettazione di antiche paure, dubbi e timori fino a condurre alla certezza della propria esistenza!
Entropia su pellicola
2022 acrylic on canvas, 60 x 120
price € 10.000
2023 mixed media (acrylic paint and spray paint), 70 x 50
price € 600
L’opera rappresenta un momento del mondo.
Il video è il processo della realizzazione…con l’intelligenza artificiale ho implementato il video…
2023 acrylic on canvas, 50 x 65
price € 700
I’m an abstract painter, and I use circles and lines to draw on themes such as the movements of people’s emotions and the movements of my own heart that I glimpse in my daily life.
Wandering into my thoughts
2022 mixed media and collage on watercolor paper, 76.2 x 55.8
price € 1.100
In my painting, “Wandering into my Thoughts”, the figures emerge from the organic ground created intuitively with water media and collages made with watercolor on Japanese paper from years past. The figures undulate and move together as if in a dance, or Pas de Deux in ballet.
In nature, the wind and water move trees, plants, and water in rhythms syncopated like a dance. When creating this piece, I let the forms speak to me as organic and biomorphic shapes and guide the creation, created by the human hand. The story speaks of dreams and that ether-like atmosphere found there, and the dance of passion is only imagined, not tangible. The colors are reminiscent of Spring, and the female figure in her dance unfolds like a bloom.
Aurora borealis forest/northen light forest
2023 digital art, 70 x 70
price € 700
The computer gives me the opportunity to generate shapes digitally. I can then change this form, and superimpose it with other forms.
The present image uses the form of an artificial, digital tree, which is duplicated into a fictitious forest and combined with artificial digital northern lights.
Further color or graphic changes can then be made to generate a large number of variations on a theme.
This creates an image of an artificial forest wrapped in mystical northern lights.
Void realm
2023 mixed media, 68 x 68
price € 2.800
My art has an inner strength of practice and understanding. It is a description of the state of being from my own art spirit. I used the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) mind method of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism in China to paint, and created a new artistic expression style of Chinese painting – The color of Surupa. When I enter meditation, I communicate with the universe, nature, and life. Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye it also includes the esoteric images of the soul. I feel the higher frequency lights and colors and the profound natural states which are the frequency and fluctuation of love. I feel extremely joyful and happy. I would love to convey these universe love energies to the audience through my paintings. “”Void Realm Series”” are the esoteric images of the soul I perceive, a higher-dimensional mental imagery projection with extraordinary information and energy. Viewers can gain the freedom of their souls and generate endless imagination in my paintings.
Night Lzr
2023 screenprint, 60 x 40
price € 700
The screenprint ´Night Lzr´contributes to the exhibition “Organizing Chaos” with its chaotic layers and the relation between the actual space and the perception of the viewer on it. Through the connection between the artist within her surrounding, the physical and the mirrored, a direct reflection of what is simultaneously outside and inside every witness.
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