from 2 to 12 July 2022 in Florence, at OnArt Gallery,in via della Pergola 57-61r Florence.

The collective Beyond sight invited the spectators to go further by overcoming the fear that anchors their certainties to launch themselves towards still formless freedom. A hymn to go beyond traditional cognitive schemes and explore the free associations of the mind to find new ways and the most authentic part of oneself, thanks to the dialogue with works of art.
The exhibition welcomed 35 artists from 14 countries, including Japan, New Zealand and United States, and has received the moral patronage of the Tuscany Region, the Campania Region, Suor Orsola Benincasa University and the Municipality of Florence.
The exhibition has run from 2 to 12 July 2022 at OnArt Gallery, in via della Pergola 57-61r, Florence.
The opening of the exhibition took place on 2 July, with a debate on the theme of the exhibition. The video is available on facebook .
The exhibition was enriched and made interactive by QR Code which collected the thoughts and reflections of the artists.
The critical essays in the exhibition catalogue are curated by Cristiana Cordova and Gianpasquale Greco. Graphics by Antonio Imparato. Exhibition project by Giulio Bellan.
Artists on display:
Marie Pierre Arpin (Germany), Serafino Botticelli (Italy), Franco Bulfarini (Italy), Lorenzo Cabib (Italy), Nicola Costanzo (Italy), Paul Delannée (France), Rika Maja Duevel (Netherlands), Peter Ebner (Austria), Anna Eriksdotter (Sweden), Mario Formica (Italy), Alina Gane-Hurcomb (New Zealand), Nadine Giehl (Germany), Ted Gillespie (USA), Jörgen Hansson (Sweden), Monika Hartl (Austria), Elke Hubmann – Kniely (Austria), Inushima (Japan), JBG (Italy), Taki Kawai (Japan), Mikoláš Klír (Czech Republic), Rada Koleva – Genova (Italy), Erich Kovar (Austria), Lausen (Switzerland), Elisabeth Lopez (United Kingdom), Taro Mukai (Japan), Angelika Oberneder (Austria), Attila Olasz (Hungary), Olivier Petit – Helle (France), Alexandra Piras (Belgium), Tommaso Sacco (Italy), Paola Semilia (Italy), Maria Carolina Terracciano (Italy), Rebecca Volkmann (USA), Horst Weber (Germany), Claudia Werth (Germany).
Art curators: Rossella Bellan, Giulia Mazzilli, Antonietta Panico